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Showing Sermons 202 to 204 of 494.

Second Sunday of Easter Evensong

Alleluia: Christ is risen! He is risen indeed: alleluia! It's right that we celebrate the resurrection with joyous shouts of praise: yet the process of making sense of this new reality takes time - resurrection is disruptive and awesome. Luke describes terror, disbelief, confusion and amazement.… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 12th April 2015

Second Sunday of Easter Eucharist

‘Receive the Holy Spirit’ In nomine Patris… Alleluia. Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia. Last week I found myself locked out of our house. Happily it was in the beautiful weather. Being locked out is frustrating; there were things I could have been doing inside.… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 12th April 2015

Easter Day Evensong 2015

Edmund Spenser, the Elizabethan poet, wrote a poem which both catches the mood and unfolds the meaning of Easter in a particularly striking manner: Most glorious Lord of life, that on this day, Didst make thy triumph over death and sin: And having harrow’d hell, didst bring away Captivit… Read more

Sermon by Nicholas Thistlethwaite on Sunday 5th April 2015