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Keep in Touch with Guildford Cathedral

There are several ways to keep in touch with Guildford Cathedral. You can follow our news feed and keep an eye on our events listings.

Community Roll Members

If you are a member of Guildford Cathedral’s Community Roll, you can request access to our members-only section using the form below.

How we use your information
If you fill in and submit our Membership Form, the information you supply and your IP address will be sent to us by email and only used to register you for our Members page of the website. It is in your legitimate interests for this data to be processed so that we can respond to your enquiry. This information is retained for as long as necessary for you to remain a member.

Who else processes your personal data?
Hiltonian Media Ltd, our web hosts/developers

For further details please refer to our General Privacy Notice.

Other ways to stay in touch...

Contact Us...

Telephone: 01483 547860

Guildford Cathedral
Stag Hill