Worship at Guildford Cathedral
Morning Prayer and Holy Communion, Choral Evensong
Morning Prayer takes place at 8am on Tuesdays and at 8.30am on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and 9am on Saturdays.
Holy Communion takes place at 8.30am on Tuesdays and 9am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and 9.30am on Saturdays.
Thursday there is Holy Communion service at 12.30pm in the Lady Chapel.
These are subject to change so please do check the diary for specific dates.
Saturdays | Evening Prayer at 4pm in the Lady Chapel
During term-time Choral Evensong is usually held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings during the week. Please check the diary for specific dates.
During Choir Holiday Evening Prayer is weekkdays Monday-Friday at 4pm in the Lady Chapel
On Wednesdays there is said Evening prayer at 5.30pm
Sunday Services
7.30am Morning Prayer
8am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Cathedral Eucharist
6pm Choral Evensong
Our Choral Services on a Sunday are streamed live and can be seen via our YouTube Channel,
What if I want to speak to one of the Clergy?
It is best to email deanspa@guildford-cathedral.org or call on 01483 547862 and you will be put in touch with the clergy.
How Can I Support the Cathedral?
Your support is needed now, more than ever. Thank you to all our generous donors and benefactors. If you’d like to contribute to our work, please donate on-line, or by using the QR code below. UK taxpayers can increase the value of their gift by signing a Gift Aid Declaration. tails on our website. During this difficult period we are especially dependent on the donations from our on-line worshippers.
Thank you for your generosity.
WaYs to Donate
QR Code for Online Donations Via our Enthuse Page.
Online Donations via our website | https://www.guildford-cathedral.org/support/donate
Via Text
To donate £5 text DOVE to 70460
If you would like to support the Cathedral by donating via cheque or BACS or in another way please contact Nicola Pratt, Head of Development on 01483 547884 or email headofdevelopment@guildford-cathedral.org
Guildford Cathedral is open to all, 365 days a year (366 during a Leap Year), as a place of stillness, prayer, pilgrimage and daily choral worship.
The Cathedral is a busy Christian church: we celebrate over 1,000 services a year, sustaining vibrant and inclusive daily worship together with magnificent music from our choir. You are very welcome to join us and there is no admission charge.
Services This Week
Today Tuesday
- 8.00am Morning Prayer
- 8.30am Holy Communion
- 11.00am Mother's Union Lady Day Service
- 5.30pm Choral Eucharist (lite) for the Annunciation
Tomorrow Wednesday
- 8.30am Morning Prayer
- 9.00am Holy Communion
- 5.30pm Evening Prayer
Thursday 27th March
- 8.30am Morning Prayer
- 12.30pm Holy Communion
- 5.30pm Choral Evensong
Friday 28th March
- 8.30am Morning Prayer
- 9.00am Holy Communion
- 5.30pm Choral Evensong
Saturday 29th March
- 9.00am Morning Prayer
- 9.30am Holy Communion
- 4.00pm Evening Prayer
Sunday 30th March
- 7.30am Morning Prayer
- 8.00am Holy Communion
- 9.45am The Cathedral Eucharist
- 6.00pm Choral Evensong
- 7.00pm Walking the Stations of the Cross
Monday 31st March
- 8.30am Morning Prayer
- 9.00am Holy Communion
- 5.30pm Evening Prayer
The regular daily pattern of Mattins, Holy Communion and Choral Evensong is at the centre of Cathedral life. The great seasonal celebrations of Christmas and Easter mark the most significant dates in our Christian calendar; many other services take place throughout the year, including special community and seasonal services such as Harvest Festival.
Listed below are the normal service times; on special occasions the times may vary – please see the full service schedule for a list of all services and music details.
Regular Service Times
- 7.45am Morning Prayer
- 8am Holy Communion
- 9.45am The Cathedral Eucharist
- 6.00pm Choral Evensong
- 8.30am Morning Prayer (8am on Tuesdays)
- 9.00am Holy Communion (8.30am on Tuesdays)
- 5.30pm Choral Evensong (except Wednesdays when it is said and Saturdays said at 5pm)
In addition to the services, many events are held in the Cathedral, including concerts, graduation ceremonies and more.
If you are visiting the Cathedral, please check whether your visit coincides with an event or a service as access to the Cathedral may be restricted. You may wish to view the full list of access restrictions.
Sunday 23rd February
- Genesis 1 (Bob Cooper)
Sunday 16th February
- Art Reveals God’s Beauty and Creativity (Bob Cooper)
Sunday 9th February
- Racial Justice Sunday Sermon (Folli Olokose )
Sunday 26th January
- Installation Sermon | Dean Bob Cooper (Bob Cooper)
Sunday 9th August
- Cathedral Eucharist - The Ninth Sunday after Trinity (Duncan Myers)