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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering opportunities…….

Opportunities to volunteer at Guildford Cathedral are open to all.  We invite you to contribute your time and skills to support us in a variety of different ways.

Our volunteers help with visitors and behind the scenes, in teams or independently.  You can give time regularly or just occasionally - whatever fits in best for you.

If you have the time and interest, we will be able to find a role for you.  We are looking for:

Altar Servers

Tower Tour Guides and Welcome Guides

Bell Ringers and Singers

Choir Chaperones

Events Helpers

Assistance with our Schools and Family Activities
Gardeners and General Maintenance

Researchers and Archivists

Help in the Cathedral Shop



Interested?  Give us a call and speak to:

Volunteer Co-Ordinator, on 01483 547 885

or email


You can download the Volunteer Application form here


Statement of Policy for the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults

in accordance with our safeguarding policy a DBS check may be required for certain roles involving work with children or vulnerable adults and the completion of a Confidential Declaration Form.

All staff and volunteers whose contact with children and vulnerable adults is occasional may not be required to have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check but they will be required to provide two references and complete a Confidential Declaration Form.

Volunteers are expected to be in sympathy with, and in their role, support the Christian aims and mission of Guildford Cathedral.