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Education is a central aspect of the Cathedral’s mission.  We offer opportunities for learning, dialogue and engagement with issues of public debate.

At the Cathedral, people of all ages can learn about faith and discipleship. We run a Sunday School and are developing work with young people; there are occasional study groups and Lent Lectures.

The Cathedral is a theological and educational resource for the Diocese, supporting the work of clergy and parishes. The Cathedral works with the Diocese in planning and delivering an annual summer school.

Working with other institutions in and around Stag Hill, for example the University of Surrey, the Cathedral is committed to engaging with issues in the public sphere (including social responsibility, science, ethics, the arts and inter-faith dialogue).  There will be an annual series of talks alongside seminar based groups.

Transcripts of these talks are, where possible, included below.

For details of forthcoming talks, please see the Cathedral Diary and What's On 



Showing Talks 1 to 10 of 22.

Praying the Psalms - The Bishop of Guildford

‘From one degree of glory to another’ Transformation and the Call to Discipleship   Thank you very much for the invitation to speak this evening in your Lent series entitled ‘Creation to Creation’: it’s really good to be here. And my particular focus tonight… Read more

Talk by Andrew Watson on Thursday 23rd March 2017

Praying the Psalms - Canon Dr Julie Gittoes

Praying the Psalms in Holy Week Praying the psalms during Lent has been a great blessing: we are a learning and praying community; we’ve been drawn into lives of others with great wit and wisdom; insight and challenge. There’s been quite a bit of laughter along the way; as well as a… Read more

Talk by on Thursday 17th March 2016

Praying the Psalms - Canon Martyn Neale

1. SETTING THE SCENE When young, I had plenty of aunts.  Tempus fugit and I don’t have so many now. One aunt won a prize for Competence in Scripture in 1933 in her mid-teens.  When I was nine, she gave it to me, a King James Bible.  I have it here.  I treasured it and r… Read more

Talk by on Thursday 10th March 2016

Praying the Psalms - Canon Dr Andrew Bishop

Praying the Psalms My introduction to the Office of Compline was being in Scotland with my grandfather not long after my grandmother had died. I must have been about 14 years old. We had gone to visit Iona, and each night we went into Oban cathedral for Compline. I was captivated by phrases from… Read more

Talk by on Thursday 3rd March 2016

Praying the Psalms - Katherine Dienes-Williams

THE MUSIC OF THE PSALMS [Please note that the audio track ends early to allow music to be played through the Cathedral's sound system.] ‘For ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes’ – these were the words which came to my lips and which I uttered aloud at the… Read more

Talk by Katherine Dienes-Williams on Thursday 25th February 2016

Praying the Psalms - Canon Dr Hazel Whitehead

Cathedral Lent Talk February 2016 'Telling it like it is: Psalms of Protest, Lament and Complaint 5 ways of interpreting Psalms I want to begin with a brief resume of the 5 ways in which the Psalms have been interpreted throughout the history of biblical criticism; because, despite the various… Read more

Talk by Hazel Whitehead on Thursday 18th February 2016

All my hope on God is founded

Our Lent Lectures at Guildford Cathedral have responded to the phrase 'Do not be afraid': hearing it perhaps as a challenge, an invitation, an imperative or word of assurance. We've been thinking about Catherine Clancy's exhibition on that theme (on display at the Cathedral this Lent). We have bee… Read more

Talk by on Thursday 26th March 2015

Ask from the Ocean's Roar

NB This is the prepared text but not word for word what was said in the lecture. ARK FROM THE OCEAN’S ROAR I. When Catherine Clancy’s exhibition first went up in the cathedral I was instantly struck by the contrast of the darkness, utter darkness, of the paintings that run down the… Read more

Talk by on Thursday 19th March 2015

All things bright and beautiful?

‘All things bright and beautiful’?Living in the face of nature’s indifference to humanity 1)   Introduction Just three weeks ago I was skiing in the French Alps – one of the most beautiful ski weeks I’ve had – sunshine, blue skies and some of the mos… Read more

Talk by Steve Summers on Thursday 12th March 2015

The clouds ye so much dread

We decided to use as titles a line from a hymn and I’m sure you know the first line…Cowper’s God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform.  I will come back to that later. Last week the Dean began our Lent Talks with a study of the relationship between fear, being… Read more

Talk by Derek Holbird on Thursday 5th March 2015