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Guildford Cathedral Choir Association

The Guildford Cathedral Choir Association was formed in the 25th anniversary year of the Cathedral (1986) by a group of former lay clerks and choristers from the early years of the choir. They felt it was important to create an Association whilst there were a large number of the founding members of the choir available. This is a unique situation for a cathedral choir since Guildford Cathedral was the only completely new cathedral in the twentieth century.

We have supported the choir in a number of ways with music, folders etc. and we have sponsored a number of choristers over the years. In 2016 we were delighted to have raised enough money from our members for the Music Foundation to sponsor a chorister in the name of the Association in perpetuity. 

We are now turning our attention to finding ways to support the girl choristers and other initiatives to support the choir and music department.
The Association is made up of ex choristers, lay clerks and organists, there are also a few selected associate members who have been involved in the development of the choirs.

Every chorister, or lay clerk is automatically eligible to become a member and we endeavour to keep people connected through newsletters and our annual reunion.

Choristers or lay clerks leaving the choir become members after the valediction ceremony at the last service of the academic year. Boys are given an old choristers' tie and the girls are given an old choristers' scarf.

The current Chairman of the Association is Rowland Sidwell, a former tenor lay clerk and also father of two former girl choristers.

The Secretary is Darrol Radley, a former chorister, if you would like to get in touch, the Music Department will forward your message.

There is a committee that consists of chairman, secretary, treasurer, the incumbent organist and master of choristers, the precentor or Canon Liturgist and at least 3 other elected or co-opted members. The committee meets a few times during the year.

The Constitution of the Association can be viewed here.

The privacy notice for the Association can be viewed here

The privacy notice link for the Cathedral website can be found at the bottom of this page.

Contact details of old choristers are held by the Cathedral Music Department and by the Association, if you are a member of the GCCA and your details change, please update your details here  This will ensure that you are kept up to date with activities and events.

Each year, usually in the Autumn, the Association holds a reunion at the Cathedral. We hold our AGM for the Association at this time and we are fortunate to be invited by the Organist and Master of Choristers to join the Cathedral Choir in singing evensong. There is always time for old friends to catch up and there is a dinner after evensong often held in the Seasons Cafe.

In 2024 the reunion and AGM is to be held on Saturday 19th October 2024

The focus on this occasion will be to celebrate the 90th birthday of the founding Organist and Master of Choristers, Dr Barry Rose and is sure to be a memorable occasion.

This will consist of the AGM, choral evensong with the boys choir and lay clerks, followed by a reception at the west end of the cathedral and dinner in the Seasons café.

Newsletters are produced periodically which are emailed to all the members and also placed here for easy access.