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Children and Young People


Cathedral Tots

Cathedral Tots is an informal, monthly mid-week service for pre-school children and their parents/carers. Please see Guildford Cathedral - Families | 2025 for further details.


Sunday School – next term on the 1st Sunday of the month (check first)

For ages 3-11, during the Sunday morning Eucharist. Please drop children off at the Library before the service starts, and sit close by so you can collect them before the final blessing. We also have activity bags available for children to use on non-Sunday School weeks. Please ask a Steward if you would like to borrow one. There is a self-service creche for younger children in the Baptistry.

Sunday School dates next term are:

4th May

1st June

6th July

Family Services

Guildford Cathedral has Family Services at special times of the year, encouraging the whole family to worship together and enjoy a different style of worship. Our usual family services are:

Journey to Bethlehem (on Christmas Eve)

Christingle (at Candlemas)

The Way of the Cross (on Good Friday)


Our next Family Service is The Way of the Cross on 18th April at 10am. You are warmly invited to come and reflect on the events of Good Friday through craft activities and a short, informal act of worship that is suitable for all ages.

Guildford Cathedral - Services