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School Workshops

The cost of a School Workshop is £40 per class.

School Workshops happen at Advent, Lent, Easter and Pentecost, and are advertised with set dates in the Cathedral calendar. The workshops usually run with a timetable of 10.00am until 2.00pm.


School Visits - Primary

Half day school visits (usually 10.00am until 12.30pm) cost £5. per pupil.

Full day school visits (usually 10.00am until 2.00pm) cost £6.50 per pupil.

School visits are tailored to the learning objectives requested by your school and as such are written and resourced specifically to meet those learning objectives.

Our ideal number of primary school children per visit is 60 children (equivalent to 2 classes of 30 children) with a required staffing ratio of 1:8. If you have 3 or more classes in a year group, we would discuss with you splitting the group over two days to provide a better experience.


School Visits - Secondary

Half day school visits (usually 10.00am until 12.30pm) cost £5 per pupil.

Full day school visits (usually 10.00am until 2.00pm) cost £6.50 per pupil.

School visits are tailored to the learning objectives requested by your school and as such are written and resourced specifically to meet those learning objectives.

We are aware that secondary schools usually have larger numbers of pupils in each year group and are happy to accommodate larger groups where we can. Our absolute maximum is 90 pupils on any given trip but we can provide a better learning experience for pupils working with numbers under 60 pupils (i.e. two classes). If your school has 3 or more classes in a year group, we would discuss with you splitting the group over two days to provide a better experience.


Payment procedures

School Workshops are invoiced at the point of confirmation, as long as your completed booking form has been received by the Head of Family Engagement and Schools. The only exception to this lies at the end of an academic year where budgets may be being transferred to different responsibilities; in which case, an invoice will be sent in September of the following academic year.

School Visits are invoiced once a booking form has been received and a date confirmed with the Cathedral’s Diary Management Group.



If you need to cancel your visit, please give as much notice as possible: we may be able to offer an alternative date with advance notice. In the event of cancellations close to the date of the visit the following charges will be levied:-

  • Less than two weeks’ notice – 25% of the cost of the visit
  • Less than one weeks’ notice – 50% of the cost of the visit
  • Less than 48 hours’ or non-appearance of group – 100% of the cost of the visit