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Summer Organ Festival 2021

Our Summer Organ Festival, celebrates fabulous music written for the organ, and a variety of other instruments!

Thursday evenings at 7.30pm

29 July Illumina Duo – Richard Moore and Ellie Lovegrove

5 August Hannah Dienes-Williams and Katherine Dienes-Williams

12 August Svyati Duo – Rebecca Hepplewhite and Julian Collings

19 August William Campbell and William Ryan

26 August Apollon Duo – Dora Chatzigeorgiou and Alexander Binns.

Book your tickets for one, two or the whole recital series via the Cathedral Box Office. Entrance is free, with a retiring collection.

If you would like to make a donation when you book your free tickets this will help defray costs and enable us to hold more events like this in the future.