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Guildford Cathedral Appeal

The Cathedral Appeal ended at Easter 2016 and raised more than £6.9m – that’s a fantastic achievement and 96% of the original target. We are really grateful to everyone for your generosity and support. Thank you.

Building works at Guildford Cathedral - led by Buxton and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the many Appeal benefactors - has now begun in earnest. The work is enabling our Cathedral to deal with the urgent asbestos issues, make other improvements to the building and enhance engagement with visitors and the wider community.

Read about our MAKE YOUR MARK fundraising campaign that was part of, and raised funds for, the Appeal.

How can you be part of the Cathedral's future? The Cathedral needs help to ensure that all can benefit from our Cathedral and the planned improvements, to ensure that our Cathedral is open to all, for free, 365 days a year. It costs approximately £1.3m a year to run our Cathedral - with 50% purely on the maintenance of the building and grounds and it is an ongoing challenge to raise enough income to cover costs. You can help today.

Anyone who would like to learn more about the Cathedral and see the building works in progress is welcome to come to our Guildford Cathedral Open Day on Saturday 10 September between 11am and 3pm.