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Support our Leap of Faith

Climb every mountain!


On 18 September, our Fundraising Officer Karen is once again undertaking a challenge to support our wonderful building and community. Last year she abseiled off the Cathedral tower. This year, she is going a bit higher. Across 24 hours she will be climbing the tallest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales. Starting with Ben Nevis, Karen will join with a group of other intrepid explorers from across the country to chike up and down before moving swiftly on to tackle Scafell Pike over night and finishing with Snowdonia. This trek will cover 23 miles, but all of them up and down hill, covering a total elevation of over 10,000 feet.

Karen starting training back in January and has been working hard to get in the best shape possible to tackle the climbs. She has taken some lovely photos while out and about, even sharing a morning run with some deer (although they were faster than she was!) 


By supporting us, you can:

  • Assist in maintaining the fabric and repairs of the building.
  • Help make heavenly worship accessible to all.
  • Help sustain our outstanding choral tradition, filling the building with music.
  • Enable us to provide more community events such as tower tours, concerts, and comfortable spaces to enjoy throughout the seasons

To donate, simply click the button and help this brave fundraiser raise money for a cause she holds dear.

Online Donations via Enthuse here 

Contact Nicola or Karen in the Fundraising Team via if you would like to send a cheque in or have a conversation about how you can support the Cathedral.

Telephone | 01483 547884

Every donation small or large makes a difference.

A Heartfelt Thank You For Your Support


Meet the Climber


Hi! I’m Karen Taylor. I am the Fundraising Officer here at Guildford Cathedral and I love a challenge.

I love going for walks in the country and enjoying time out in nature. This is taking that to the extreme, less of a gentle walk and more of an epic hike, but bring on the challenge!