Sermons by Christopher Hill
Showing Sermons 1 to 3 of 3.
Bishop of Guildford's Farewell
Today is the tenth anniversary of my Installation and I stood in this pulpit and preached from 1 Peter on the Church – you – as ‘living stones’. (I was probably the only person in the building who had never actually bought a brick for this Cathedral!). You were… Read more
Sermon by Christopher Hill on Saturday 30th November 2013
Pentecost 2013
A single word from the Scriptures; a deeply moving experience in the slums of Rio de Janiero; and Pentecost Sunday – the traditional ’birthday of the Church’ and the dedication of this our Cathedral Church. Tucked away in Paul’s second letter to the Church in Corinth there… Read more
Sermon by Christopher Hill on Sunday 19th May 2013
Christmas Day
Christmas will be different for the families of the children of Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown Connecticut – whether their children died in the massacre or escaped. Christmas will be different for the families of the teachers and school staff who were killed: Dawn Hochsprung; Ma… Read more
Sermon by Christopher Hill on Tuesday 25th December 2012