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Events at Guildford Cathedral

See also Art Exhibitions

All services and events are included in the diary, except Art Exhibitions (see link above). Please note that events are subject to change, especially those advertised more than a month in advance.

Sunday 1st December 2024

Advent Procession and Carols
Quire and Nave

Join us in the Cathedral today for our Advent Carol service comprising a procession and carols.

Please either download or print off a copy of the Order of Service and bring it with you. If you are able to, we do encourage you to download the PDF prior to the service, as this helps us to reduce our environmental impact. There will be a few printed copies available for those who do not have internet access.

This service will be live streamed through our YouTube channel. For those members of our congregation who do not wish to appear on the broadcast, please sit to the right hand side of the Nave and our streaming team will do their best to avoid this area.

The Cathedral will re-open for admittance to congregation  at 5.30pm, please enter through the West End of the Cathedral.

The order of service can be downloaded here shortly.

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