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Visiting Choirs

Guildford Cathedral welcomes good visiting choirs to sing Saturday Evensong throughout the year when there is not a concert or other event in the Cathedral that day. The Cathedral Choir take a 7-8 week holiday during the summer and 3 weeks before or after Easter; during choir holidays weekday Evensong and Sunday Services are sung by visiting choirs.

The Dean approves visiting choirs before a firm booking is made; if the choir has not sung in the Cathedral before, the Dean will need to take up references from other Cathedrals or listen to a recording of the choir.

The visiting choirs pack(PDF) (press here for link) gives full details of what is required before and during a service. All visiting choirs are required to comply with the Diocesan Child Protection Policy and have to submit a completed declaration form (found at the end of the pack) before they are allowed to sing in the Cathedral.

To explore the diary for available dates, please contact Asher Oliver, Organist at or 01483 547867.