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News: Planning Appeal Decision | Dismissal

The Cathedral Chapter is very grateful to all those who have supported the Cathedral in its endeavour to obtain planning permission to develop a portion of its land; it has been a long process which has involved much hard work by many people, including the team at Vivid and their partners, over decades. 

Thanks, are also expressed to the Inspector who presided over the Public Inquiry with such even handedness. Significant operational and financial challenges are now faced, and it is likely that the Cathedral will be unable to operate in the same way that it has done previously. 

In the immediacy the Cathedral, this year and going forward, needs an additional £150,000 of income per year to cover the shortfall in our day-to-day costs. 

Further, a major appeal for financial and other assistance is one course of action that is being actively considered. Whilst naturally disappointed by the outcome, the Cathedral Chapter is determined to carry on delivering the mission of the Cathedral in the community.

The Venerable Stuart Beake
Interim Dean


An address to the congregation on Sunday 26 May can be watched here watch from 23 minutes in.

Ways to Support

Via our Enthuse Page here

Via our Website here

Support our Music and become a Patron here

Give via the Parish Giving Scheme here

If you would like to support the Cathedral by way of a donation, sponsorship or would like to have a conversation around ways to support please contact, Nicola Pratt, Head of Development on

Added Sunday 26th May 2024