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Fundraising Abseil

Saturday 26th April 2014

Climb the spiral staircase of 249 steps to a height of 160ft and enjoy the wonderful panoramic views of Guildford. Experience the thrill of abseiling to the ground and help raise funds for our urgent Appeal.

To participate we ask you to try and raise sponsorship of at up to and above £1,000 to donate to our Appeal and then just turn up on the day and join the fun.

Sensible footwear and clothing must be worn which is suitable for a harness and helmet, fancy dress is welcomed and positively encouraged!

SPONSOR THE DEAN: Dianna Gwilliams, the Dean of Guildford will be taking on the challenge herself, abseiling down the Cathedral’s tower on April 26th.  If you’re not taking part in the challenge yourself please click HERE to sponsor Dean Dianna’s dizzy descent! 

 Guildford Cathedral is at risk and we need your help to raise £1.3 million by August 2014 to secure its future. Please give us your support and ensure that this remarkable building survives.

Dianna Gwilliams, Dean of Guildford