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Visit to Hereford Cathedral

Join the Friends of Guildford Cathedral on a day trip to Hereford Cathedral.

Download Leaflet and Details here

Email Yvette on or call 07851 371590

COST | Coach and Tour of Hereford Cathedral

Friends £35 and Non-Friends £37


8.30am Prompt | Depart Guildford Cathedral
4pm | Leave Hereford


On arrival at Hereford Cathedral the Friends of Hereford Cathedral will kindly provide us with coffee.

We will be given a Tour of the Cathedral and a self-guided tour to the Mappa Mundi and the Chained Library - this lasts approximately 2 hours - £10 per person.

Lunch will be ‘at choice’ in the nearby town – there will be no catering available at Hereford Cathedral. Various nearby possibilities will be suggested and these will be communicated to those joining us on the outing as well asduring our coffee with The Friends of Hereford Cathedral.