Showing Sermons 322 to 324 of 494.
Evensong - Trinity Sunday 2014
‘Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.’ (Isaiah 6.3) + In nomine Patris… Isaiah, the prophet, is quite specific about when and where it happened: in the year King Uzziah died; in the Temple. Through the smoke of the Temple Isaiah saw a c… Read more
Sermon by on Sunday 15th June 2014
Trinity Sunday - Westborough
Standing in the local Co-op yesterday, every news paper had a headline about England's opening World Cup match against Italy; the check out was surrounded by flags, whistles and face-paints... Even amongst non-football fans, excitement or a curious loyalty grows as each match approaches.&nbs… Read more
Sermon by on Sunday 15th June 2014
Pentecost 2014
The text of the sermon is not available at this time. Read more
Sermon by Nancy Ford on Sunday 8th June 2014