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Showing Sermons 337 to 339 of 494.

Eve of St George Evensong

Alleluia, Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia. In nomine Patris… Do not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucifiedFight valiantly as a disciple of Christagainst sin, the world and the devil,and remain faithful to Christ to the end of your life.Christian Initiation, Ba… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 27th April 2014

Easter Day Evensong 2014

The text of the sermon is not available at this time. Read more

Sermon by Stuart Beake on Sunday 20th April 2014

Easter Day Mattins 2014

Resurrection made it onto the front page of The Guardian yesterday; well, onto the front page of the sports' section at least. The Resurrection of Portsmouth FC.   The revival of this once bankrupt football club is in large part due to the commitment of the local community.  The trans… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 20th April 2014