Showing Sermons 358 to 360 of 494.
Ash Wednesday - Lincoln College
There's a column in the Guardian Weekend section entitled: 'What I see in the mirror'. It's an invitation to look beyond eye colour, facial features and beauty products. Our faces tell our life-stories wordlessly. Peter Tatchell doesn't care about his appearance; he is content with it… Read more
Sermon by on Wednesday 5th March 2014
Ash Wednesday 2014
+ In nomine Patris… Shortly we will be invited to receive on our heads the sign of the cross marked out in ash. Those ashes will connect us to our creation, our mortality, and will express the limitations of our neuroses, anxieties and efforts when they are evacuated of God’s grace.… Read more
Sermon by on Wednesday 5th March 2014
The Sunday next before Lent
The text of the sermon is not available at this time. Read more
Sermon by Dianna Gwilliams on Sunday 2nd March 2014