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Showing Sermons 475 to 477 of 493.

Feast of St Simon & St Jude

Famous double acts often bring famous catchphrases. Laurel and Hardy: ‘Here’s another fine mess you’ve gotten me in to’; Morecombe and Wise: ‘tea Ern?’; The two Ronnies: ‘And it’s goodnight from him and its goodnight from me’. Famous double act… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 28th October 2012

Trinity 20 - Eucharist

£3 million prize money; £100 million in stud fees. Frankel’s unbroken record of straight wins has made a fortune for a few; he’s brought delight to many. In the words of Abdullah’s racing manager: ‘He’s wonderful. The crowd’s reaction is great &nda… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 21st October 2012

Trinity 20

What a total waste of space. That is a pretty damning verdict on any building, or worse still, person. But it begs the questions, how is something a waste of space; is space something that can be wasted? Or is that just an idea of a modern, functional mind. Space is really quite important in… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 21st October 2012