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Showing Sermons 484 to 486 of 493.

The Twelth Sunday after Trinity

Brother, sister... rival: so ran the headline of article recounting readers' tales of sibling rivalry –  the poignant,  mischievous and hilarious.  I'm sure my sister and I have our own memories of petty jealousy, perceived unfairness, pranks and squabbles.  We've  s… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 26th August 2012

The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Taste, and see that the Lord is good(Psalm 34) Mealtimes at my grandparents’ house brings back warm memories for me (they were always more peaceful than at home!) and I recall one of the quirks of my late grandfather who always insisted that we should chew our food well. Not just bite a… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 26th August 2012

Evensong - Eleventh Sunday After Trinity

There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush; he looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed. (Exodus 3.2) There are few things more terrifying, impressive and majestic than a flame.  Just think how captivating the fire breather is. No wonde… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 19th August 2012